The History of Employments & Affiliations

1992 – 2013 Professor of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics in the School of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology; Founder of the Institute Computer Graphics & Vision, with periods of full-time and part-time leaves [1996-1999 and 2003-2007]
Since 2013 Professor Emeritus at Graz University of Technology, maintaining an office and limited presence
2008 Graz University of Technology, Dean of the School of Computer Science
2006 – 2007 Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, Washington, USA), Director in the Virtual Earth Business Unit, part-time made possible by a 4-year-leave from Graz University of Technology.
2003 – 2006 Vexcel Imaging GmbH, Graz (Austria), CEO; made possible by a 4-year leave from Graz University of Technology.
1998 – 1999 Vexcel Corporation, Boulder, Colorado. Full time Chairman, Business Development, made possible by a 3-year leave from Graz University of Technology.
1996 – 1998 Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf (today Austrian Institute of Technology AIT), Austria. CEO, made possible by a 3-year leave from Graz University of Technology.
1993 – 2006 Vexcel Imaging GmbH, Graz, Founder and Shareholder, exit via a sale to Microsoft in 2006.
1992 – 1997 Vexcel Imaging Corp., Founder and Chairman, exit 1997 by a sale of shares.
1985 – 2006 Vexcel Corporation, Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer, May 1985 – September 1992 since 1992 as a member of the Board of Directors and a Shareholder, until an exit via a sale to Microsoft in 2006.
1984 – 1985 Markhurd Corporation, President/CEO.
1980 – 1984 Graz Research Center (Joanneum Research), founder and director of the Institute for Image Processing and Computer Graphics, in partial fulfillment of employment obligations at Graz University of Technology.
1976 – 1984 Consultant to various institutions and companies in partial fulfillment of employment obligations at Graz University of Technology.
1976 – 1984 Graz University of Technology, Institute for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry as extra-ordinary [a.o.] Professor of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
1976 – 1989 International Institute for Aerial Surveys and Earth Sciences, Enschede, part time lecturer for photogrammetric Remote Sensing
1976 – 1984 California Institute of Technology and its Jet Propulsion laboratory: consultant for satellite Radargrammetry.
1974 – 1976 California Institute of Technology and its Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California; Research Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences.
1969 – 1974 and 1976 International Institute for Aerial Surveys and Earth Sciences (ITC), Delft/Enschede, [today Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation, University Twente, the Netherlands]. Member of the scientific staff at the Department of Photogrammetry.
1968 Austrian Federal Army, Surveying Department [3 months] as part of the Officer Training during the 9-month military draft.
1967 – 1968 Technical University Vienna – Institute of Photogrammetry: Photogrammetric operator at a WILD B-8 stereo plotter [4 months].