Franz Leberl’s Internet Presentation…..

…deals with imagery, science and technology during 5 decades, where photogrammetry meets computing and academia meets business and management. And clearly, this is an autobiography…..

12th June 2023
Celebrating 30 years since starting ICG [the Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics] at Graz University of Technology. Click here for details.

 2nd December 2022
Award of the Golden Doctoral Diploma [Goldenes Doktoratsdiplom] celebrating 50 years since the 1972-graduation from Vienna University of Technology with the degree of Dr. techn. Click here for details.

18th November 2020
Recording a new Jazz Quartet featuring Sonya Walker on trumpet and voice, again at Denver’s Mighty Fine Productions. Click here for details.

14th June 2017:
Consul Honoraire de la République Côte d’Ivoire. Click here for more, Scroll to 2nd 2017-entry.


December 2017 Award of the Golden Engineering Diploma [Goldenes Ingenieurdiplom] celebrating 50 years since 1967-graduation from Vienna University of Technology with the degree of Dipl.-Ing. Click here for details.  September 2017 Video Interview by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing [ASPRS], recorded in May 2012. Click here. 2016 Recording a jazz quartet by „Franz & Friends“ at Denver’s Mighty Fine Productions studio. Click for details [Scroll to 2nd entry from top, „Jazz in Colorado“] | 2016 Fellow, Awarded by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ISPRS. Click for more, scroll to 2016  | 2015 Honorary Senator, Awarded by the University of Ljubljana Click here for more. Scroll to 2015. || 2014 Friedrich-Hopfner-Gold-Medal: Awarded by the Austrian Geodetic Commission.  Scroll to 2014.  2013 Professor Emeritus: Click here for mementoes. Check also  2013 in the „Honors“  page | 2012 Twenty years ICG:  Home page of the Institute’s history .


For the private Franz Leberl click here
For jazz-activities, please see here



has been the first and foremost interest with employments at the

  • Graz University of Technology [Austria],
  • International Institute for Geoinformation and Earth Observation [ITC, Delft and Enschede, The Netherlands], now organized as a Faculty of the University of Twente,
  • California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory [JPL], Pasadena [California, USA]

Franz Leberl’s laudatio for Prof. Wolfgang Förstner [University Bonn, Germany]

at the occasion of the academic ceremony at Graz University of Technology, awarding Prof. Förstner a Doctorate Honoris Causa in 2011


had its attraction of clear measures of success or failure, and of unparalleled flows of adrenaline at

  • Markhurd Corp. [Minneapolis, USA] as its CEO
  • Vexcel Corp. [Boulder, Colorado, USA] as its founder, CEO later as a member of its Board of Directors,
  • Microsoft Corp. [USA] as a result of the sale of the Vexcel firms to Microsoft and in the function of „evangelist“ and of working as a Director of the Virtual Earth business unit

Dr. John Curlander and Franz Leberl partnering in Vexcel Corporation from 1992 until the company’s sale to Microsoft in 2006



exists wherever research is being conducted. It has thus been part of all professional activities. The need for business and academic skills drove employment at the

  • Institute of Digital Image Processing DIBAG at Joanneum Research in Graz [Austria] as its founder and director;
  • Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf ARCS, now under the new name Austrian Institute of Technology AIT in Seibersdorf and Vienna [Austria] as its CEO.

First of the 7-pages of the CEO’s statement introducing the 1997 Annual Report of the Austrian Research Centers, completed in February 1998. Click on the picture to access the entire 7 pages about a tumultous 1997, and about perspectives for 1998 and beyond. An 8th page simply shows the Annual Report’s title sheet.