The President of Graz University of Technology, Prof. Harald Kainz, opens the day-long celebration of 30 years since the creation of the Institute of ComputerVision and Graphics in the Aula of the University under the statue of Emperor Franz-Joseph I whom personally opened the Aula in 1888.

The ICG [Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics] at Graz University of Technology started on 1 October 1992 as the home of a new professorship for Computergestützte Geometrie und Graphik, awarded to Franz Leberl. The initial director of the Institute, Franz Leberl, was followed by Horst Bischof until his ascent to the Vice-Presidency for Research of the University. Then, Dieter Schmalstieg led the Institute until his transfer to a prestigious Alexander-von-Humboldt-professorship in Stuttgart. Prof. Tom Pock assumed the leadership of the Institute and organized the anniversary celebration, held on the 12th of June 2023.

Opening remarks were offered by the Dean of the School of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, Prof. Roderick Bloem [„School“ is „Faculty“]
The director of the ICG and organizer of the anniversary celebration, Tom Pock contributed to the opening remarks with a review of the Institute’s history and performance numbers.
The celebration’s opening statements concluded with a few anecdotes by the Institute’s founder, Franz Leberl. He explained the German- and English-language names of the ICG and their genesis. He also speculated about the reasons for the Institute’s successes.

The celebration continued with a series of science talks by graduates from the ICG who achieved academic and business successes. Five talks were given by graduates who have become university professors, one talk was by a serial entrepreneur. Since there were only 6 slots for those talks, other great scientific achievements had to remain unrecognized.

Top row from left: Prof. Dr. Peter Brunner (Washington University School of Medicine) | Prof.in Dr. Margrit Gelautz (Technische Universität Wien) | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kainz (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) | Middle roe from left: Prof. Dr. Georg Langs (Medizinische Universität Wien) | Prof. Dr. Alexander Lex (University of Utah) | Prof. Dr. Konrad Schindler (ETH Zürich) | Bottom row from left: Dr. Stefan Scherer (Alicona; smaXtec). | 130 chairs filled the Aula with an attentive audience. | And during a break, Prof. Horst Bischof [left], Stefan Scherer [middle] and Tom Pock [right] pose in front of an ICG-TU Graz poster.

The celebration ended with catered food, a jazz trio led by Franz Leberl and augmented by singing Tom Pock. Everyone enjoyed several hours of interactions among people who may not have seen one another for extended periods.

Tom Pock sings Tunes by Eric Clapton, accompanied by Franz Leberl’s jazz trio with 2 youthful music-friends from the Anton-Bruckner-University Linz. The emperor watches with pleasure.
Social interactions among current ICG-staff, graduates and visitors attending the event.
The party not only ended with jazz, but also with food and drinks.
The jazz trio played for 2 1/2 hours with Milan Conic [p] | Federico Perinelli [b] and Franz Leberl [d].

And here is a video of Tom Pock performing with Franz Leberl’s trio in the Aula of the University