30 Years of Institute for Computer Vision and Graphics (2023)

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Rector Harald Kainz’s Opening Remarks in the Aula of Graz University of Technology

TU Graz Festive Talk at the Aula in Graz (2014)

The 1888 Aula of TU Graz

Career End as a Professor Emeritus (2013)

Being honored at the farewell event at the University’s Aula

American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Video Program about Distinguished Photogrammetrists –Sacramento (2012)

Downtown Sacramento (California)

ASPRS OTAA Award (Sacramento) and ISPRS Brock Gold Medal Award (Melbourne)  (2012)

Invited Lecture at Hasso-Platter-Institute HPI in Potsdam, Germany (2009)

Hasso-Plattner-Institute at Potsdam University |  Hasso Plattner is the Founder of SAP

Microsoft-Evangelism in Tallinn, Estonia (2008)

Downtown Tallinn, Capital of Estonia

Video Interview for Holzer-Podcast (2007)

Holzer’s Podcast was a popular coverage of high tech news in Austria in the mid-2000’s

Media Echo (in Austria) to Microsoft-Vexcel Transaction (2006/7)

Memories from the Early Days of the University Institute at TU Graz (1992-2013)

Logo of the Graz Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision ICG


Vexcel Corporation (Boulder)
Vexcel Imaging GmbH  (Graz)